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EDRO washer-extractors are world-class machines fitted with some of the most forward-thinking washing technology. We have an extensive range of machines for washing applications in non-residential laundry markets.
​EDRO washer-extractors have a proven history of performance you can trust. With over 5,000 high-capacity machines produced in EDRO Corporation history, these rugged, reliable workhorses provide exceptional laundering results with minimum operating costs. They feature highly efficient motors and drives, state-of-the-art HMi touch screen controls, DynOzone green technology and robust construction.

The EDRO DynaWash® three pocket end loader (DW) washer-extractor range is available in 100 (45 kg), 150 (68 kg), 200 (91 kg), 300 (136 kg) and 400 (182 kg) pound models in both rigid mount and soft mount DWSM) configurations.
Rigid mount models are fixed securely to the structure's foundation. Soft mount models can be installed in laundries where the structure is able to support the static weight of a fully loaded machine.
DynaWash® washer-extractors feature state-of-the art DynaTrol HMi Touch Screen Control, DynOzone Disinfecting & Sanitizing System, and single motor variable speed drives. DynaWash® "3-D" basket design assures the ideal wash action for outstanding laundering results

The EDRO barrier type PassThru for Clean Rooms (DWPT_SM) washer-extractor is a specialized machine used for the prevention of cross contamination.
The exclusive "Clean Seal" system provides a physical barrier and positive air flow between the clean and soiled operating sides. The standard DynOzone Disinfecting & Sanitizing Laundry System produces a safe, disinfected, and sanitized air stream which is injected into the wash wheel to improve wash quality.
The machines also feature a state-of-the art DynaTrol HMi Touch Screen Control. The range is available in 200 (91 kg) and 400 (182 kg) pound models.

Available in model loading capacities of up to 225lb (102 kg) and 450lb (205 kg), EDRO's side loader washer-extractor design takes advantage of gravity assisted loading and unloading without the additional components of a machine tilting mechanism.
​Machine design incorporates a large automatic main door allowing for multiple load and unload positioning, proven DynaMount suspension system for reduced vibration transmission, DynaTrol 3.0 HMi touch screen controller for easy programming and operational accuracy, and inverter with single motor drive for energy efficiency. Cylinder configurations are available in either a two-pocket or three-pocket design.

EDRO's open pocket rigid mount (NX) washer-extractor range is available in 60 (27 kg) and 140 (64 kg) pound models.
Rigid mount models are fixed securely to the structure's foundation. The machines feature a highly efficient inverter with single motor drive setup, rugged frame and bearing assembly and state-of-the-art DynaTrol HMi Touch Screen Control.
​Typical installations include the "on premise laundry" (OPL), hospitality, healthcare, dry-cleaning & wet-cleaning, industrial and uniform rental, and prison markets.

EDRO's open pocket soft mount (CSL) washer-extractor range is available in 60 (27 kg), 110 (50 kg), and 175 (80 kg) and 225 (100 kg) pound models.
can be installed in laundries where the structure is able to fully support the static weight of a fully loaded machine. The machines feature super high-speed extraction speeds with over 300G force through a highly efficient inverter with single motor drive setup, state-of-the-art DynaTrol HMi Touch Screen Control with isolated electronic enclosure, and DynaMount shock-and-spring suspension mounting.

EDRO's open pocket soft mount tilting (CSL) washer-extractor range is available in 225 (100 kg), 350 (165 kg) and 450 (205 kg) pound models.
These industrial machines feature direct V-belt, inverter with single motor drive setup, state-of-the-art DynaTrol HMi Touch Screen Control with isolated electronic enclosure and DynaMount shock-and-spring suspension mounting.
CSL soft mount tilting models feature a dual pivot point, air bag tilting mechanism with Autoswing door to facilitate the loading and unloading process. Industrial-strength components are chosen for continual operation and minimal downtime.